Terms and Conditions

Supertails Wellness Plan Terms & Conditions

Please be aware

• We are not accountable for any losses, damages, expenses, or claims resulting from any delay or inability to provide services or membership benefits, if such circumstances are beyond our control—such as, but not limited to, forced closures due to circumstances like COVID-19, power or technological failures, and/or natural disasters. In the event of such circumstances, we reserve the right to suspend some or all services or membership benefits, or in severe cases, terminate the Supertails Wellness Plan. If termination occurs, any prepaid membership fees will be refunded on a pro-rata basis.

• We advise you to carefully review our privacy policy before enrolling in the Supertails Wellness Plan. Our privacy policy contains crucial details about how we collect, store, use, and disclose personal information, as well as information on accessing your personal data and the process for lodging privacy-related complaints. We may share your personal information with third parties, including payment processors, data entry services, marketing agencies, market researchers, mailing houses, network administrators, virtual and online veterinary consultation providers, debt collectors, insurers, regulatory bodies, and professional advisors—each with their own privacy policies governing the handling of personal data.

• If you choose the direct debit or credit card payment option and a scheduled payment fails, you will be charged an administrative fee of $13.59 for each failed transaction, payable at the subsequent payment date. Cancelling your membership prematurely may result in additional charges, determined based on the benefits utilised during the membership period.

• Annual membership fees are specified on our website and undergo yearly review. In the event of fee increases, we will notify you in advance in writing, and the new fees will only apply upon renewal of your annual membership. If you disagree with the revised fees, you may cancel your membership in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, which may incur a cancellation fee under certain circumstances.

• We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions periodically.


1. The Supertails Wellness Plan is an annual preventative health and wellness program for pets provided by VC Operations Pty Ltd ABN 86 641 403 938 (“VC”).

2. The program grants members access to selected veterinary services annually at participating veterinary clinics.

3. The program aims at encouraging preventative care to maintain pet health; it is not an insurance program or a substitute for pet insurance.

4. By joining the Supertails Wellness Plan, members agree to adhere to these Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions will govern the relationship between VC, the member, and the participating veterinary clinic in respect of the Supertails Wellness Plan.

5. Members may register with only one participating veterinary clinic.

6. Members may reach out to their participating veterinary clinic, the Supertails Wellness Plan support team at info@supertails.com.au or seek independent advice regarding these Terms and Conditions.


7. At this time, Supertails Wellness Plans are only available in respect of dogs and cats. All other pets are currently ineligible to be nominated under a Supertails Wellness Plan.


8. The Supertails Wellness Plan operates on an annual basis and by enrolling in the Supertails Wellness Plan, members commit to a 12-month membership period.

Auto-Renewal of Membership

9. Please be aware that all Supertails Wellness Plan memberships will auto-renew for an additional 12-month period unless the member chooses to opt-out of renewal in accordance with clause 11 of these Terms and Conditions.

10. VC will send opt-out reminders at least 60 days before the end of each member’s 12-month membership period.

11. Members can opt out of renewal for a consecutive 12 month period by:

(a) deselecting the ‘auto-renew’ function on the Supertails Wellness Plan platform before the Renewed Period commences; or

(b) notifying the Supertails Wellness Plan support team at info@supertails.com.au of their non-renewal preference at any time prior to the date upon which the member’s membership period is due to be renewed;

(c) cancelling the member’s membership within 30 days of the member’s membership being renewed, provided no benefits have been utilised during this period, entitling a refund of the first monthly instalment or the annual membership fees if already paid;

12. Cancellation in accordance with clause 11(c) above will be subject to clauses 24 to 30 (inclusive).

13. An annual membership is specific to the nominated pet and only one pet may be nominated per membership.

Separate memberships are required for each additional pet.

14. Members must maintain accurate and updated contact details, editable through the Supertails Wellness Plan platform or by contacting the support team at info@supertails.com.au

15. VC is not liable for any loss or damage suffered by a member or a nominated pet which arises in connection with communication delays or disruptions resulting from incorrect member contact details.

Annual Membership Fees

16. Annual membership fees are specified on our website and reviewed annually.

17. Fee increases require prior written notification to members and apply upon annual membership renewal.

VC will notify all members of impending fee increases ahead of a membership being auto-renewed to ensure members have sufficient time to opt-out of membership auto-renewal, should they wish to do so.

18. Members may opt for monthly or annual fee payment plans, with monthly payments spanning 12 instalments.

19. Members authorise VC to debit agreed membership fees, administrative fees as disclosed at clause 20 below and fees associated with early cancellation as described at clauses 24 to 26 (inclusive), from their nominated bank account or credit card.

20. Members must maintain accurate payment details and sufficient funds; insufficient funds will incur a $13.90 administrative fee per failed transaction.

21. VC reserves the right to recover outstanding fees, including associated costs, through direct debit or credit card.


22. Memberships span 12-month periods and will automatically renew for consecutive 12-month periods unless members elect to opt-out in the manner provided for under clause 11.

23. Members may cancel their membership via the online portal or by contacting the Supertails Wellness Plan support team at info@supertails.com.au

24. Cancellation of membership during a 12-month membership period may result in a member being required to pay an amount equal to the lesser of:

(a) the remaining instalments of the membership fee owing for the current membership period; or

(b) the non-member retail value of the products and services obtained by the member in the current membership period, less the total of the instalments of membership fees paid by the member in the current membership period.

25. Where membership fees have been paid in full in advance, the balance of funds remaining after the deduction of the amount specified under clause 24 above will be refunded to the member.

26. Members may also be liable for additional fees incurred by VC or its agents in connection with cancellation.

27. Any outstanding fees must be settled via direct debit or credit card within 30 days of cancellation.

28. If membership fees were paid upfront, members irrevocably authorise VC to offset owed amounts against any applicable refund.

Membership Benefits

29. Membership benefits include:

(a) routine vaccinations prescribed by the treating veterinarian, excluding non-routine or exotic vaccinations.

(b) free veterinarian and veterinary nurse consultations within clinic hours, up to 20 minutes per visit and as per availability and for a maximum of 8 visits per year.

(c) annual dental check-up;

(d) preventative health care screen, including blood and urine test;

(e) routine intestinal worm prevention;

(f) annual heartworm test;

(g) microchip implantation (if required);

(h) a discount on either a dental procedure or a desexing procedure (if applicable);

(i) discount on injectable Heartworm and Tick parasite prevention ( dogs);

(j) discount on oral/spot on Heartworm and Tick parasite prevention (cats);

(k) discount on prescription medicines, pet food, and ancillary services such as boarding and hydrobaths;

(l) unlimited nail trims for cats or dogs.

30. Additional benefits may be available at selected clinics, subject to availability.

31. Benefits are subject to the treating veterinarian’s recommendation and availability.

32. Benefits cannot be combined with other offers, exchanged for cash, or accrued.

33. Benefits expire at the end of each 12-month period or upon termination, without accumulation.

34. Any additional services not covered by the program will be charged at the clinic’s standard rates.

Member Conduct

35. Members must conduct themselves in a safe, lawful, honest, and respectful manner at all times.

36. Harassment or misconduct towards clinic staff, customers, or others in connection with the Supertails Wellness Plan is prohibited.

37. A failure to pay membership and other fees and charges on the relevant due date amounts to a breach of these Terms and Conditions.


38. VC may suspend or terminate membership for breach of these Terms and Conditions, with the right to recover outstanding fees- and charges.


39. VC is not liable for failures in the provision of service or benefits due to events beyond its control. In such cases, VC may suspend or terminate the program and if legally required, provide refunds as appropriate.

40. To the maximum extent permitted by law, VC expressly:

(a) disclaims all conditions, representations and warranties (whether express or implied,) in relation to the benefits and services VC seek to provide via the Supertails Wellness Plan, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Without limitation to the foregoing, VC makes no representation, and provides no warranty or guarantee, that:

(i) members will achieve any particular results by participating in the Supertails Wellness Plan;

(ii) particular goods, services or benefits will be available to members due to their participation in the Supertails Wellness Plan;

(b) limits its aggregate liability in respect of any and all claims for any losses that a member may bring against VC under these Terms and Conditions or otherwise in respect of the benefits and services intended under the Supertails Wellness Plan to the following remedies (the choice of which is to be at VC’s sole discretion):

(i) re-supply of the relevant services or products forming part of the Supertails Wellness Plan;


(ii) the refund of any amounts paid by a member to VC under these Terms and Conditions in respect to the Supertails Wellness Plan.

41. VC administers the Supertails Wellness Plan; complaints regarding the program should be directed to info@supertails.com.au. Clinic service-related complaints should be addressed directly to the clinic.

42. VC reserves the right to discontinue the Supertails Wellness Plan program at any time by providing written notice to members, provided that members are afforded a reasonable opportunity to utilise remaining benefits and are otherwise issued with pro-rata refunds.

43. Non-excludable obligations under the Australian Consumer Law are preserved.

Refund policy

44. VC offer refunds in accordance with the Australia

Consumer Law and the provisions set out in these Terms of Conditions.

45. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before you become a member, so that you understand your rights as well as what you can expect from us if you are not happy with your membership.

46. If there is a major problem with your membership, you can choose to cancel your membership with us and receive a refund for the portion of the membership you are yet to receive.

47. VC will consider there to have been a major failure in respect of your membership if the services or products provided as part of your membership:

(a) creates an unsafe situation;

(b) has either one serious problem or several smaller problems that would stop a person buying the service or product or membership if they knew about them beforehand; or

(c) can’t be used for its normal purpose, or for a specific purpose VC were aware of, or doesn’t achieve a specific result that you made us aware was required and can’t easily be fixed within a reasonable time.

48. If you purchase a product or service directly from one of our clinics, all refund enquiries should be addressed to the relevant clinic directly.

Third-party providers and third-party payment providers

49. VC may engage third-party providers for program administration, including payment facilitation and member benefit tracking. By accepting these Terms and Conditions and becoming a member, members consent to VC engaging such third-party providers.

50. Members may be subject to terms and conditions of VC’s third-party service providers, agreed upon during enrolment or provider engagement.

51. Members can cancel membership within 30 days of receiving an acceptance request for third-party terms and conditions, with a pro-rata refund if benefits are unused.

52. Utilised benefits post-acceptance request or cancellation after 30 days will be subject to clauses 24 to 30 (inclusive).

53. VC recommends that members review the privacy policies of all third-party providers before proceeding with a transaction via the Supertails Wellness Plan platform. Where a member proceeds with a transaction via the Supertails Wellness Plan platform, the member provides their consent to such providers accessing and using your personal information in the manner outlined in their privacy policy. If members have any queries regarding the privacy policy of third-party providers, please contact the provider directly.


54. VC may share your personal information with third parties, including payment processors, data entry services, marketing agencies, market researchers, mailing houses, network administrators, virtual and online veterinary consultation providers, debt collectors, insurers, regulatory bodies, and professional advisors—each with their own privacy policies governing the handling of personal data.

55. Our Privacy Policy is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully for information relating to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. VC will manage your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You can find a copy of our Privacy Policy here.


56. These terms are governed by Queensland law.

57. VC reserves the right to update or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.

Changes to these Terms and Conditions will be notified to members via email. Members have the right to cancel without penalty within 30 days should a member reasonable believe they are likely be unfairly prejudiced by changes to the Terms and Conditions.

58. These Terms of Conditions, together with our Privacy Policy, form the entire agreement between VC and you in relation to the provision of the Supertails Wellness Plan.

59. Any failure or delay on our part to exercise a power or right VC have under these Terms of Conditions (unless in writing to you) does not amount to a waiver of that power or right and will not preclude our entitlement to exercise that power or right at a later date.

60. Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which is prohibited or unenforceable in the jurisdiction of Queensland will be ineffective in that jurisdiction to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability.

61. That will not invalidate the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions nor affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction.